17 Jul 2023
21 Jul 2023
157,5 € Tarifa C
Biología y Biomedicina
Sede donde se gestiona
Lugar de impartición
Santander - Península de la Magdalena (Rector Ernest Lluch)
Antonio G. GarcíaUniversidad Autónoma de MadridNicolás CuencaUniversidad de Alicante, SpainSecretaría
Luis Gandía JuanUniversidad Autónoma de MadridORGANIZADO EN COLABORACIÓN CON
Descripción de la actividad
The International Pharmacology School “Teófilo Hernando” was initiated in 1996, in the frame of the summer courses of UIMP. At that time, Rector José Luis García Delgado invited professor Antonio G. García (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid) to organise this School. The School was named after Teófilo Hernando, a Spanish MD/PhD pharmacologist who was trained under Oswald Schmiedeberg at Strassbourg, the first formal Pharmacology School where many pharmacologists throughout the word were trained at the end of the XIX century and the beginning of the XX century and then developed the subject of basic and clinical pharmacology in their own countries. Teófilo Hernando introduced pharmacology as an independent teaching and science subject at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, along the first three decades of the XX century this academic matter soon spread out to several Spanish universities by pharmacologists trained under professor Hernando. He trained numerous other disciples that extended the subject to many other Spanish universities along the XX century. The format of a UIMP’s School ( “Escuela”) is based in the critical analysis in the frontier of knowledge of a given scientific topic, along a week ( Monday to Friday) by scientists and students of all over the world. Two sessions are delivered in the morning by invited scientists, lasting each one two hours, with vivid discussions. In the afternoon, PhD students and postdocs present their ongoing scientific work as short oral communications. Emphasis is always made in the identification of new biological drug targets that illuminate the design, synthesis and development of new medicines to treat human diseases.