Sede donde se gestiona
Lugar de impartición
Santander - Península de la Magdalena (Riancho-Bringas)
José Miguel López-Higuera Head of Photonic Engineering Group of UC, CIBER-BBN and IDIVAL, SpainSecretaría
María Ángeles Quintela InceraPhotonic Engineering Group of UC, CIBER-BBN and IDIVAL, SpainORGANIZADO EN COLABORACIÓN CON
Descripción de la actividad
Photonics is the science and technique of generating, controlling, propagating, storing and detecting light waves and photons, which are particles of light. Photonics is the field of Light Sciences and Technologies.
Light plays a vital role in our daily lives and is being an imperative cross-cutting discipline of science in the 21st century. It has revolutionized medicine, made possible international communication via the internet, enabled sustainable development and provided solutions to global challenges in education, energy, environment and agriculture. It continues to be a key discipline to link cultural, economic and political aspects of the global society. Today, it is widely accepted that the present century will depend as much on Photonics as the 20th century depended on electronics.
The United Nations Organization (UN) has recognized the key or essential role of Light Sciences and Technologies to raise global awareness and proclaimed 2015 as the International Year of Light and Light-based Technologies (IYL 2015). Aware of the key role of Photonics in the economies and in the societies of the XXI century, the UIMP has decided to create the “International School on light Sciences and Technologies (ISLIST)”.
This International school is envisioned to be a worldwide top International forum (every fourth week of June) on Light Sciences and Technologies in the framework of a “special top university” that is recognized as the “university of universities” and in a privileged environment “the Royal Magdalena Palace” in Santander, Cantabria, Spain. Each edition of this international school will have an intensification or main core in a specific application area and additional current hot topics. Light in Health and medicine is the core of this 2023 edition: VI-ISLIST.
It must be noticed that by changing the consecutive core, students and professional have the opportunity to receive and share knowledge, technique, visions, experience etc. several times from about 40 different top international lecturers, along their career. It is envisioned as a key value of ISLIST and it was, certainly, corroborated objectively from answers, of the previous edition attendee’s surveys as you can observe on the final reports.
ISLIST has been conceived as a great opportunity to review, actualize and improve the knowledge of scientists, professionals and technicians; to contribute to the education and to enhance the motivation of PhD students; to offer an ideal frame for networking and also to contribute to the education of the citizens. It is also a great opportunity to ensure that policymakers, entrepreneurs, and other key “actors” will be aware of the problem-solving potential of Photonics.
Nobel laureates such Andre Geim, Sujhi Nakamura, Donna Strickland have participated in the previous editions. Top worldwide Scientists such as Philip Russel, Miles Padgett, X. C. Zhang, Bruce J. Tromberg, José Capmany, Maria Yzuel, Maria Luisa Calvo, JA Martín Pereda, Luis Roso, Aydogan Ozcan, Brian Pogue, Susana Marcos, Jüergen Pop, Vasilis Ntziachristos, Luis Bañares, Antonio Luque, Eli Yablonovitch, Eric Mazur, David Payne, Pablo Artal, John Pendry, Miguel Gonzalez, Hugo Thienpont, Rod Taylor, Katarina Svanberg, Laura Lechuga, Kishan Dolakia, Harald Haas, Christian Bressler, Christian Sattler, Michael Campbell, Martin Wegener, and Beat Neuenschwander, among others. Also, most renowned professionals and directors of organizations such as Jam Denneman, Peter Winzer, Peter Andrekson, Nikolaus Schmitt, Jeroni Nadal, Robert Lieberman, Dra. Kutner Mikel Bengoa y Fabien Guillemot have participated in previous editions.
Seventeen (17) highly renowned professors and researchers from the most prestigious worldwide institutions and, as well, responsibles of most reputed international Photonic Scientific Organizations and some politicians will participate in this meeting.