
Actividades Académicas

I CEMFI School of Economics: Current issues in the labor market

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Programa del curso


01 Jul 2024
03 Jul 2024
157,5 € Tarifa C
Economía, Empresas y Gestión

Sede donde se gestiona


Lugar de impartición

Santander - Península de la Magdalena


Samuel Bentolila
Profesor de Economía
Centro de Estudios Monetarios y Financieros (CEMFI)

Nezih Guner
Profesor de Economía
Centro de Estudios Monetarios y Financieros (CEMFI)



Descripción de la actividad


The I CEMFI School of Economics will deal with three highly topical issues in the labor market. First, we will provide a general framework to understand different types and measures of labor market inequality, its causes, and its consequences. Particular attention will be devoted to intergenerational inequality, in other words, why children of high-earning families tend to have high earnings themselves, and the role of employers in this area.


Second, we will review the evolution of the labor market situation of youth in Spain over the last four decades, which shows a steady worsening in their employment and earnings. We will then discuss potential remedies for this trend, focusing on dual vocational education, whose impacts on those outcomes will be analyzed.


And third, we will study the factors behind the changing family patterns in industrialized countries. We will review key trends and present basic economic theories of female labor force participation, which has dramatically increased, and fertility, which has plummeted. We will pay particular attention to how public policies, ranging from divorce laws to childcare subsidies, affect families.


The program is organized around these three themes, with two morning lectures devoted to each of them. In the afternoon we will have presentations by the students and one mentoring session on careers in Economics.


The School is aimed at undergraduate and graduate students in Economics. Depending on the availability of slots, the students could be invited to attend the 3rd Banco de España-CEMFI-UIMP Conference on the Spanish Economy, on “Spain’s productivity and labor market performance and the (lack of) convergence to the EMU”, 4-5 July 2024.